Hold the front page! Yesterday Trump said he might vote against Florida's six-week abortion ban. Today he changed his mind, citing an imaginary law that would allow abortion "in the ninth month." The shrieks of outrage from the forced birthers had nothing to do with what Dana Bash would call a "flip flop" if Kamala Harris suggested it. Trump has often complained of babies being aborted after birth, which is a thing that exists only in his brain. Today he's supporting Amendment 3, which would legalize recreational weed in Florida's constitution. We'll see how long that lasts. Always attacking, he still does not want it smoked in public places "so we do not smell marijuana everywhere we go, like we do in many of the Democrat run Cities" (unspecified). Ron DeSantis opposes Amendment 3, so it's really just a dick-measuring contest -- after all, the governor was not the one disparaged by Barack Obama at the convention. ...