In disconcerting array
In less than five hours the Democratic National Convention opens in Chicago. There will be no surprises unless Taylor Swift shows up to endorse Kamala Harris in song, and that's the problem. Having cleared prime time for four nights, the media want some drama. They're thrilled that the Illinois National Guard is on alert and they've got a loop of demonstrators gathering in Union Park with a banner I found (sorry) hilarious: LGBTQ+ PEOPLE FOR A FREE GAZA. No mention of zero emissions? Cornel West is there to remind everyone that he's running. But Gaza is not Vietnam and anyone yearning for a rerun of 1968 will be disappointed. Instead of Abby Hoffman and the Yippies the noises offstage will be provided by clowns like Mike Lindell, who promises to shave his mustache so no one will recognize him when he sneaks in.
The clown-in-chief is engaged in what the networks call counterprogramming, desperate to keep attention on himself. In a Pennsylvania TV interview Trump failed to notice that he was being given a chance to look like less of an asshole about the Medal of Honor. Were veterans angry? "No, I didn't hear that...I would rather in a certain way get [the Medal of Freedom] because people that get the Congressional Medal of Honor" -- at least learn the name -- are often horribly wounded or is a painful thing to get it. When you get the Presidential Medal of Freedom, it's usually for other things, like you've achieved great success in sports, or you've achieved great, you know, success someplace else..." Can he hear himself? His contempt for the "horribly wounded or dead" could not be more obvious. "What was in it for them?"
It's easy to see why Tom Basile of Newsmax recommended a "charm offensive." Trump needs to talk more about music. He should offer golf advice and tell them "his secret." (I think the average voter could learn to cheat without help.) He should talk more about his "deep Christian faith." And he should give his grandchildren "kisses and bear hugs," effectively neutralizing Tim Walz. See? Charming and offensive at the same time. Basile might as well urge him to discuss pre-Columbian art.
With angry veterans on one side and crashing polls on the other, the felon retreated to the place he feels loved, social media. He attacked Van Jones for the worst of sins, Black person ingratitude, and even had "tears flowing from his eyes." Men always shed tears around Trump. Probably the flatulence.
He fell for a fake endorsement from "Swifties for Trump" and proudly re-tweeted it. (Yes, he has abandoned his own platform for one that people still read.)
He insisted that the 8,000 seat venue in Wilkes-Barre was SRO and "we had to turn away 11,500 people!" Good thing they didn't riot.
He babbled at length about "Comrade Kamala" and her Marxism. I guess this will be the official line from now until he enters prison and they take his phone and shoelaces.
I've saved the worst for last, two measures of the life-forms that Trump summoned from caves and rotting vegetation when he came down the escalator to the applause of paid actors.
1. Tim Walz has spoken of the difficulty he and his wife had in conceiving, and how IVF eventually gave them two children. Degenerates are now flourishing...
Official J.D. Vance semen specimen cups to celebrate his superior masculinity. (Shouldn't that be Walz's face on the cup? There I go being logical again.) Remember the purple heart Band-aids mocking John Kerry's service in Vietnam? And we said they couldn't slither any lower.2. Trump proudly shared an Alanis Morisette parody posted by a UK Trumpanzee named Brenden Dilly, who is also obsessed with jizz. After calling Kamala Harris a "moron" it claims "She spent her whole damn life/ Down on her knees/To be commander-in-chief/That's how you say please." Willie Brown is also featured. (Brown says he'll sue if Trump keeps repeating the fake helicopter story.) By comparison, the Hillary mannequin in an orange jumpsuit seems as quaint as the "little dog Fala" story. Dilly, if that is a real name, looks like Vance after another ten years of McFries and Mountain Dew.
Is that chocolate milkshake on your face? Was it the same woman who tags Nigel Farage?
I plan to ignore the desperate fugliness of the right and enjoy the show.
Postscript: "Stacy Abrams beat Kemp's ass and he knows it. The federal penitentiary is the only place he's going." Who said it? Roger Stone. (Actually she spells it "Stacey," asshole.) "The lowest form of life known to man. A true piece of shit," he goes on. Brian Kemp refused to help Trump "find" 11,700 votes in 2020 and MAGAts hate him more than Abrams, more than Jimmy Carter, more than Kamala Harris probably, because they're working hard to steal Georgia again this year. I'm no Kempite but damn, I love it when they fight each other.
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