New maladies
The Dunning-Krugerrand effect: When a South African dipshit thinks he knows everything because he has more money than brains. Example: Elon Musk decided to attack CNN legal analyst Norm Eisen by informing his credulous X followers that he is the father of Tamar Eisen, who works for the National Democratic Institute. According to Musk, who struggles with English slang, she "was strutting her stuff as a program officer for the NDI's Gender, Women and Democracy team." He blames Norm Eisen for "a slew of lawsuits" against his illegitimate DOGE operation. The two are not related but it's inconceivable to Musk that two people he hates could share a surname and nothing else. Probably part of the Jewish world conspiracy to confuse victims of DK. Not all sufferers are native to southern Africa. FBI director K$h Patel want new agents to be trained by coaches from the UFC (that's Ultimate Fighting Championship, fo...