
Showing posts from February, 2025

New maladies

  The Dunning-Krugerrand effect:  When a South African dipshit thinks he knows everything because he has more money than brains.   Example:  Elon Musk decided to attack CNN legal analyst  Norm Eisen  by informing his credulous X followers that he is the father of Tamar Eisen, who works for the National Democratic Institute.  According to Musk, who struggles with English slang, she "was strutting her stuff as a program officer for the NDI's Gender, Women and Democracy team."  He blames Norm Eisen for "a slew of lawsuits" against his illegitimate DOGE operation.  The two are not related but it's inconceivable to Musk that two people he hates could share a surname and nothing else.  Probably part of the Jewish world conspiracy to confuse victims of DK. Not all sufferers are native to southern Africa.  FBI director  K$h Patel  want new agents to be trained by coaches from the UFC (that's Ultimate Fighting Championship, fo...

Spring is just around the corner

  If you look for good news, you can find it. The genius who bombed the Department of Housing and Urban Development with this  video has been found and "escorted off the property," with "legal ramifications" threatened.  I'm sure it was worth it.  HUD is so technologically challenged they had to run around unplugging TVs.  Giving Elon two left feet was the chef's kiss. This person must have a confederate at  Apple.   Some iPhone users discovered that when they used voice-to-text and spoke the word "racist" the system printed "Trump."  This so-called bug has now been fixed.  I wonder what happens when you say "rapist." After giving himself credit for "the Best Opening Month of any President in history," the racist rapist noticed that  Michael Wolff  has published a new book.  Its revelations -- that he gorges on chocolate, that Ivanka and her husband refused to say on the record that he isn't antisemitic, that Mela...

Straighten up and fly straight

 "When you're rich they think you really know," sang Tevye as he ticked off the blessings of being a rich man.  People who know even less, or nothing, credit you with being some sort of stable genius.  As the song makes clear, Tevye knows it's nonsense, but not all rich men share his wisdom. Elon Musk, who was born rich, has no way of filtering out the bullshit he reads on his social media platform.  One of his subscribers,  Ryan Petersen,  who runs a "global logistics" company called Flexport, just noticed that airlines don't always fly in a straight line.  He posted about it and Musk responded, "They should be."  I believe the expression is "as the crow flies," but crows seldom fly nonstop from San Francisco to Houston.  But the boss has spoken and Sean Duffy will have to get right on it.  To hell with the weather, the prevailing winds, even the curvature of the earth.   Having handed off his duties to a richer (i.e. smarter)...

The United $adists of America

 Who said it? "Putin's heinous  attack on a proud and sovereign nation shocks the conscience of every person of good will."  (answer below) The cult sent its big brains out to explain the War of Ukrainian Aggression yesterday and the result was predictable.   Steve Witkoff, special envoy to the Middle East:  "The war didn't need to happen.  It was provoked." Scott Bessent, Secretary of the Treasury:  "A partnership between Ukraine and the US that involves strategic minerals, energy and state-owned enterprises, where we set up a is a win-win.  We make money if the Ukrainian people make money."   ("The US will take 50 percent of recurring revenues...and 50 percent of the financial value of 'all new licenses issued to third parties...' There will be a lien on such revenues in favor of the US.") I've heard this "negotiating" before.  It's the contract deal between Groucho (on behalf of the "New...


  Do you know how this guy became one of the richest men in Europe?  In addition to royalties from Mein Kampf  and a cut of donations to the NSDAP, he trademarked his likeness and collected a fee every time it appeared on stamps , money, etc.  Pretty sweet, huh?  Even British monarchs don't ride that gravy train. I don't know why I thought of it when I read that  Trump  plans to fire the board of the USPS (Louis DeJoy quit last week, saying, "My job of wrecking the postal service is done") and take personal control of the mails.  The felon has long monetized his image by selling it to MAGAts, but stands to make even more money if people are forced to buy it to send Meemaw a birthday card.  How would you like to find this on your mail? Be grateful for self-adhesive.  At least you won't have to lick it. Although a fan of Brian Cox since he was the first Hannibal Lecter on film ( Manhunter, check it out), I have never watched Succession....

For your entertainment

 I'm writing this a day ahead to give myself a long weekend, so if I miss something epochal, well, too bad.  I wanted to share a video from YouTuber Steve Shives called "The Dunning-Kruger Presidency" because it's insightful and funny.  Bear in mind that Orson Welles was a notorious fabulist; I don't believe he was at a dinner party with Hitler while backpacking through Europe.  Welles turned 18 in 1933; he was in Ireland sketching and talking himself into a job with the Abbey Theater.  Hitler was in Germany, otherwise engaged.  Cavett is visibly excited:  "Maybe under hypnosis...?"  Bless you, Dick, he's just making a point about the banality of evil.  Maybe he read Hitler's  Table Talk . A little farther along, though, Shives presents part of an unfinished documentary by the great Errol Morris featuring Donald Trump.  Trump has claimed Citizen Kane as his favorite movie and Morris asks why.  You might think he was attracted t...

Cannot? Will not.

  When you have no facts to contradict a woman, attack her intelligence, her appearance or both. On Monday some New Yorkers gathered in Union Square, probably not to celebrate the end of congestion pricing. Meanwhile in front of the Federal Building in Seattle, these folks just happened to bring signs. If anything is to be done, we have to do it.  The Democrats have shown themselves to be as demoralized as the French army in 1940.  Rep. Al Green promised articles of impeachment but has yet to deliver.  Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, putative leader of House Democrats, was in Brooklyn Tuesday helping to open the Ida G. Israel Community Health Center.  Senator Brian Schatz has so far failed to block even the appointment of dull-eyed thug K$H Patel to run the FBI.  Rep. Robert Garcia's identification of President Musk as "a dick" was funny for one day.  When you Google Chuck Schumer the first "People also ask" question is "How is Chuck Schumer still in office?"...

Am I the crazy one?

 As part of its war on anti-racism, the Musk/Trump regime is censoring books used in the DoD's school library for "gender ideology or discriminatory equity ideology topics."  We already know what this means:  books by or about Black, Latino or LGBTQ people because to acknowledge their existence is offensive to MAGA.  Yesterday we learned that one of the offending books is Freckleface Strawberry by the actor Julianne Moore , who didn't like being ginger-haired and freckled as a girl.  Is it really so bad to have these characteristics, or is this just another case of someone panicking for no reason?  I mean red hair and freckles, that's about as white as you can get.  That's peeling-skin-after-an-hour-in-the-sun white. This is how my brain is being messed with:  I think it connects to Trump's hatred of Prince Harry, whose ginger hair is often cited as "proof" that King Charles could not possibly be his biological father.  That's not how genetic...

Rabid, run

 "Hegel remarks somewhere that all great world-historic facts and personages appear, so to speak, twice.  He forgot to add:  the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce."   Louis Napoleon may have been "a grotesque mediocrity playing a hero's part," but he couldn't have been worse than our grotesque mediocrity who also thinks he's Napoleon ("He who saves his Country does not violate any Law").  Marx forgot to add:  It doesn't feel like farce while you're living through it. At least some of the farceurs seem to be aware of the history they are repeating.  Last Sunday on CBS Margaret Brennan pointed out that  J.D. Vance  was "standing in a country where free speech was weaponized to conduct a genocide," causing Vance to retort on Xitter, "Does the media really think the Holocaust was caused by free speech?"  No, it was caused by the kind of people he and Marco Rubio went to Munich to advocate for, people who id...

A penny saved

  ATTENTION:  If you find any fissionable material lying around, please call the Department of Energy at (202) 586-1234.  The National Nuclear Security Administration has been unable to contact the employees who were responsible for these materials until they were fired last week by President Musk.  Some of their terminations are being rescinded, but the NNSA was unsuccessful in giving them the good news.  As we progress toward a leaner, more efficient government, mistakes will be made.  Suffering may occur.  We regret any inconvenience and are making every effort to keep track of all nuclear...stuff. Also caught up in the cost-cutting DOGE frenzy:  the  Atlanta  office of the Veterans Administration Health Care System, where several employees had to be terminated.  A thousand, to be exact, including former Army Sergeant Nelson Feliz, Jr.  Sergeant Feliz says he feels "mistreated" by the notice that his further employment is "n...

I wanted to share this

 ...because not everyone gets the New York Review of Books. By Joe Sacco and Art Spiegelman

Brass ones

 Now that Trump has restored "masculinity" to America as only an adjudicated rapist can (according to former comedian Joe Piscopo), testicles are inflating everywhere.  You've followed the meteoric rise of  Edward Coristine , "Big Balls" to his fellow incels, the most influential 19-year-old in the history of the State Department and Musk pit bull.  He is not alone.  Brazenness is coursing through America's veins and spilling over into the rest of the world. Zhang Yazhou  was sitting beside her father as he drove through Beijing in their Tesla Model 3 when he suddenly said, "The brakes don't work!" before hitting two other vehicles and a concrete barrier.  For complaining publicly about the POS she was sued by Tesla and ordered to pay $23,000 and apologize to the company.   There were eleven similar cases and  Tesla won them all because Chinese courts are hopelessly corrupt, to be blunt.  The full story of the Zhang family is...