The United $adists of America

 Who said it?

"Putin's heinous attack on a proud and sovereign nation shocks the conscience of every person of good will."  (answer below)

The cult sent its big brains out to explain the War of Ukrainian Aggression yesterday and the result was predictable.  

Steve Witkoff, special envoy to the Middle East:  "The war didn't need to happen.  It was provoked."

Scott Bessent, Secretary of the Treasury:  "A partnership between Ukraine and the US that involves strategic minerals, energy and state-owned enterprises, where we set up a is a win-win.  We make money if the Ukrainian people make money."  

("The US will take 50 percent of recurring revenues...and 50 percent of the financial value of 'all new licenses issued to third parties...' There will be a lien on such revenues in favor of the US.")

I've heard this "negotiating" before.  It's the contract deal between Groucho (on behalf of the "New York Opera Company") and Chico, manager of "The World's Greatest Tenor."  From a thousand dollars a night his fee gets whittled down to ten dollars (agent's cut, various taxes, etc.).  "If he doesn't sing too often, he can break even," Groucho assures Chico.  That's better than Ukraine comes out.

The hope is that Ukraine's back is to the wall and it has no choice.  The lie is that the United States, which has done none of the dying and endured none of the Russian atrocities, is owed something by Ukraine.  Timothy Snyder explains it here.  "The American demands amount to extremely severe war reparations upon Ukraine, far more severe than was demanded of Germany (for example) after either world war...Russia is the aggressor.  Ukraine is the victim.  Until now the discussion was the reparations that Russia, as the aggressor, should pay..."

You see why the brainless are talking up the lie that Ukraine was the instigator.  Trump has always seen his job as president as making money for himself and for the treasury, in that order.  He calls it "making deals," without the possibility that his incompetence will lead to bankruptcy this time.  Win-win!  Let's annex Greenland (a warmup for annexing Canada) with all those valuable minerals and polar shipping routes.  Let's take back the Panama Canal and charge whatever we want for transit.  Let's weasel out of our obligations to NATO and the UN (which we founded) and make Europe bankrupt itself paying for armaments -- it worked with the USSR.  Let's impoverish millions of our own citizens who rely on Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, veterans' benefits, farm subsidies, SNAP, school meals, good union jobs delivering the mail, there's no profit in it.  They clearly don't vote and they're in the way, like the two million unpersons impeding the bulldozers in Gaza.  And when the economy collapses, blame Biden and the Boer.

It's not just the Ukrainians who owe us reparations.  After the firing of "mentally obnoxious racist, Joy Reid" the felon grabbed his phone and pounded out a demand that "Concast" pay "vast sums of money" for damaging the country by attempting to practice journalism.  Why not?  He scared ABC/Disney into "settling" his ludicrous suit against George Stephanopoulos with a generous bribe, and CBS will probably do the same about the Sixty Minutes interview with Kamala Harris.  Corporate cowardice means it's like finding bags of cash on the street.  Motel a Lago needs more gold toilets!  Get money and intimidate news media:  win-win.

"INDONESIA SENTENCES MEN TO PUBLIC LASHES FOR GAY SEX" is a story in today's JoeMyGod.  Scrolling through, I thought it said Indiana.  The Sharia Christians have decided it's time to go after Obergefell v. Hodges, the Supreme Court ruling of 2015 for marriage equality.  A state rep in Michigan introduced a resolution to overturn it while the North Dakota House has already approved one.  I think it's time to play "Who are the perverts?"

"Pastor Gabriel Hardy, 42, of Army of the Lord-Ministry of Defense Church in Vancouver, Washington, has been arrested for allegedly whipping a 6-year-old child with a belt hard enough to leave bruises and welts on the child's body..."

Justin Lee Smith, former head of St. Anne's Episcopal School in Delaware, was charged with 25 counts of downloading and distributing explicit child pornography.

Former pastor David R. Franklin of Yakima, Washington, was sentenced to thirty years for making, possessing and sharing child sexual abuse images.

Cleveland, Tennessee, pastor Rick Sentell pleaded guilty to sexual exploitation of a minor after police found child sexual abuse porn on his computer.  He was sentenced to eight years.

Crystal Lachman is no longer employed by the Bright & Beautiful Christian Child Care Center in Union Grove, Wisconsin, after being arrested for possession of child pornography.

Daniel Byron DeVries, a deacon who started a program called Kids Hope Network in Norton Shores, Michigan, pleaded guilty to possession of child sexually abusive material and was sentenced to 4 to 10 years in prison.  

Matthew Daniel Johnson admitted to hiding a camera in a bathroom near his office at the Seventh-Day Adventist La Sierra Academy in Riverside, California, to film children.  He got thirty years for possession of child sex abuse material.

Et cetera, ad nauseam.  But not all the obscenity involves children.  The Telegram interviewed four Ukrainian POWs who described how Russian troops (who go into battle sporting gold crucifixes from Putin) marched them naked through the snow before raping them.  The Family Research Council says it has Biblical support for ending foreign aid.  A Catholic group is enraged -- not by any of the above but because the Hollywood Bowl has announced a production of Jesus Christ Superstar wherein "Our Lord is being played by a woman who is an open lesbian!"  

But please, Iowa state rep Sandy Salmon, tell us about your efforts to protect minors from drag shows.  Or should I just assume it's because men look better in female drag than you do?

Put some effort into it, Sandy, m'kay?  Nice cross.

The quote at the top is from Donald J. Trump in March 2022, shortly after the most recent Russian invasion.  Because it was Joe Biden's fault, of course.  This is a moral monster happy to withdraw funding for cancer research solely because Biden believed a cure was close.  


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