Going out of business
With polls sounding a death knell and red-hats leaving his rallies like they left the oven on, Trump has dimly seen his future. That's why Trumpworld is holding a sale on all Bibles, gold sneakers (pre- and post-assassination styles), Victory47 cologne ("My eyes! My eyes!") and the limited-edition Trump diapers: Get a jump on your Christmas shopping and remember who made it possible to say "Merry Christmas" again with a fabulous Trump Victory Tourbillon watch, only $100,000. Three colors, 122 diamonds, only 147 available. Or a shoddier version for $499 if you're impoverished by Bidenomics. Profits will not go to the campaign, the website says, and when has Trump ever lied? "Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress -- but I repeat myself," said Mark Twain, who died in 1910, so maybe it's always been this way. Tommy Tuberville, football's worst mistake, thinks Kamala Harris should drop out of the...