Us today, you tomorrow

J.D. Vance was so happy when Musk let him out of his cage to tag-team Volodymyr Zelensky in front of a crowd of so-called journalists that he took his family on a ski weekend in Vermont.  So near and yet so not, Jady.  The place you wanted was New Hampshire, where flat earthers and Sovereign Citizens go to live free and die.  What did you think would happen in Bernieland?

Poor Jady.  Now he can go on the Jizzy Watters Comedy Hour and whine about the loss of civility.  It's reached the point where two thugs can't bully the democratically elected president of an independent country without people spitting in their Ovaltine.

Or worse.  Haltbakk Bunkers, the company that supplies fuel to US forces in Norway, says it will no longer do so.  "We have today been witnesses to the biggest shitshow ever presented 'live on TV' by the current American president and his vice president.  Huge credit to the president of Ukraine restraining himself and for keeping calm even though USA put on a backstabbing TV show.  It made us sick."  The closer countries are to Russia, the more acutely they fear Putin's next move.  Norway was occupied by fascists during the last war and clearly has no interest in going there again.

Because I read history I was reminded of this diminutive, bearded man, also not wearing a suit and a tie, addressing the League of Nations in 1936.  Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia was under the impression that the League would do something when fascist Italy attacked his country with troops and bombs and chemical weapons.  Of course they didn't, apart from a resolution of condemnation.  Like the yokels in the Oval Office, Italian journalists packed the gallery and emitted whistles and catcalls.  The emperor didn't ask for troops, only money to buy arms with which to defend a nation of twelve million, mostly farmers and herdsmen, against 42 million Italians.  Apart from the victimized nation being black, it all sounds familiar.  Not one of humanity's finest hours.

After being shown out by Trump's new valet Marco Rubio, Zelensky proceeded to London for the European summit and to ask Keir Starmer how to get the smell of armpits, ketchup, makeup and ass out of his clothes.  The UK, apparently unaware that Ukraine is the aggressor, will spend another $2 billion to buy it missiles.  "Starmer told the BBC he does not trust Putin but does trust Trump" about wanting a lasting ceasefire, which is worrying.  If it's either/or, Trump has less to lose if Putin's war of conquest fails, and he is known to be both stupid and oblivious as long as someone praises him.  Maybe he could pretend to agree with the three stooges on Fox & Friends who are talking him up for a Nobel Peace Prize.  Mrs. Sean Duffy (Rachel Campos-Duffy to you) said, "If he doesn't get the Nobel Peace Prize after [pimping for Putin], that thing means nothing."  I've been saying that since they gave it to Henry Kissinger.  "Trump was giving Zelensky an offering," piped up Peter Doocy.  "If you don't take it, the war continues."  Just like Kissinger's offering to North Vietnam.  

Has Greasy Pete fallen off the wagon already?  In response to an invasion threat only he can see, Hegseth ordered another 3,000 troops to the Mexican border including "20-ton armored Stryker combat vehicles."  These things:

Looks like a Tesla station wagon, guzzles gas the way Hegseth -- never mind.  Sleep well, Texas.  Apart from the whole measles epidemic.  

The re-naming frenzy continues:  Lt. Governor Dan Patrick is trying to distract from the epidemic by calling New York strip steak "Texas strip," which he believes will devastate New York.  Don't take it lying down, Governor Hochul!  Make New York casinos play "Brooklyn hold 'em"!  Fight fight fight!

Meanwhile Rubio is speeding the delivery of $4 billion in weapons for Israel, which in turn is blocking all humanitarian aid to Gaza, allegedly because Hamas has not met the conditions for hostage release.  It can't be impatience to get on with the urban renewal project informally called Trump City.  Can it?

Also meanwhile, Trump has moved on to other matters of state, like "a complete PARDON of Pete Rose, who shouldn't have been gambling on baseball, but only bet on HIS TEAM WINNING.  He never betted [sic] against himself..."  Baseball, he says, didn't have the "courage or decency" to put him in the Hall of Fame because of some silly rule against breaking silly rules.  Steve Martin begs to differ:

Marco Rubio's weekend assignment was talking up Trump for that Nobel Peace Prize he covets (Carter!  Obama!  Teddy Roosevelt!).  There's a problem:  It's in the gift of a committee selected by the Norwegian parliament (see above).  In his present state of dementia, don't be surprised if Donny starts referring to Norway as "East Scotland."  

Little Mikey, who even looks like little Marco, has been told to keep order when The Leader lumbers over to the Capitol to boast about his achievements and unveil future outrages.  Calling his crimes against humanity so far "incredible, incredible," which is perfectly accurate, the Squeaker demands that Democrats "respect the decorum of the institution" and that they "stand and give him an ovation."  As with Stalin, the first to stop clapping will be shot.  No yelling "You lie!" as Joe Wilson did to Obama.  No dressing as a balloon and heckling, as Margie Greene did to Biden.  Dignity, always dignity.  



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