"I am Fartacus!"
It's just like January 20, 2017, the biggest, most crowded inauguration of all time, so many people, the most people, over a million, many of them disguised as folding chairs.
Of course, it was raining.
New York's Finest (the police) love Trump, but they're being forced to deter the huge crowds of supporters who fill the streets of lower Manhattan every day, clamoring for an end to his persecution. Or so he says. That's why demonstrators have burned Columbia University to the ground, because all the police are down in Foley Square. With tears in their eyes.
It's all Joe Biden's fault. Josh Hawley and Tom Cotton demanded he send the National Guard to Columbia after Gov. Kathy Hochul refused. Calling the protests "nascent pogroms," Cotton is terrified for "our Jewish brethren." But can the Guard handle a big job like unarmed protesters? Hawley wants the 101st Airborne. I understand SEAL Team 6 is sulking today. Hawley and Cotton are too young and oblivious to remember what happened when the Ohio National Guard entered Kent State in 1970. But I'm not.
Around 300 demonstrators held a combined Passover seder and protest last night in Grand Army Plaza, near the home of Chuck Schumer. Groups like Jewish Voice for Peace are among those supporting Palestine on at least a dozen campuses. It would help if nudniks like Hawley and Cotton could stop trying to make this sound like Kristallnacht.
Anyway, back to Trump at the center of the universe. Elizabeth Williams is a courtroom sketch artist, which means she has to spend the day looking at Trump and has learned his body language. She told CNN that when David Pecker began to talk about Karen McDougal, the Playboy model he is supposed to have had an affair with, he opened his eyes and folded his arms, indications that he is paying attention. Stormy Daniels gets most of the media focus but it looks like McDougal is the witness he's worried about. (Supposedly Trump/McDougal lasted for months, while Daniels was a one-nighter. I hate that I know anything about Trump's intimate activities.
See what happens when Trump is stuck in court all day and can't campaign? Nikki Haley got 16 percent of the vote in yesterday's Pennsylvania primary. Of course, she didn't campaign there either -- in fact, she "suspended" her campaign last month. Trump might as well be in prison -- for the first time in his life he has to do things he doesn't want to do. Even the media are getting bolder, interrupting his courthouse laments to yell, "Where's Melania?" and address him as "Donald." Fortunately there's a way out -- PLEAD GUILTY!
This is not a sepia print. This is the Acropolis area of Athens as a dust storm from the Sahara turned much of the country's skies orange. The last dust storm in late March extended into Switzerland and southern France.
Next sign of the apocalypse: Runaway horses in the streets of London. During practice by the Household Cavalry some building materials fell, causing five horses to unseat their riders and take off, damaging a bus and injuring four persons. "I looked behind and behold, there was a white one covered in blood," said a taxi driver. (I added the "behold.") The horses and the humans are all right.
Third sign, from the Telegraph: "German army chiefs are drawing up plans on how they would feed thousands of US soldiers and refuel their tanks as they move toward NATO's eastern front, as part of a secret document outlining Germany's war readiness." Welcome to the fight. This time I know our side...uh...try the bratwurst.
Bonus sign: Golden retriever gives birth to green puppy. Well, greenish.
The left end of Blogenheim continues to find David Pecker's name irresistibly funny. Here's my favorite, from All Hat No Cattle:
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