Justice is usually served

 Circle the date:  March 19.  That's when we'll find out if Clarence Thomas accepts John Oliver's offer of a million dollars a year (Oliver's money, not HBO's) and a deluxe RV which makes his present one look like a turd.  All he has to do is resign from the Supreme Court, where he is underpaid and over-criticized (according to himself).

I predict that he won't take the deal.  He probably takes in more than a million a year right now, between cash, vacations and other delights, and the loss in prestige would be incalculable.  More to the point, Ginni won't let him quit.

She needs him on the court, as do her insurrectionist co-conspirators.  They tried violence last time and failed, and next January the President won't hesitate to send in troops.  I believe their next attempt will involve high-level legal flummery.  Hear me out.

As soon as it becomes apparent that Joe Biden will be re-elected, the Federalist Society stooges will mount a well-prepared challenge to the Nineteenth Amendment.  ("The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.")  Any originalist worth his MAGA hat would argue that this is not what The Founders wanted; all they have to do is fast-track it through the courts all the way to SCOTUS before the election.  (Are women even citizens, really?  What did Jefferson think?  Probably Alito already has a draft of the "decision," full of sixteenth century definitions.)  Once women are prevented from voting, the sting goes out of the Roe overturn, not to mention the IVF calamity which will spread from Alabama like -- well, like any contagious disease in Florida. 

Collateral damage?  Of course.  You can't destroy a republic without breaking eggs.  Congress would be duller without the antics of Five-Finger Boebert and Marjorie Malaprop.  Amy Coney Barrett might vote with the girls, leading to some tense moments in the elevator.  But somewhere Phyllis Schlafly would be smiling.  

It's an amazing RV -- picture a suite at the Pierre with wheels on -- but Harlan Crow could buy him one today without having to sell any of his Nazi bric-a-brac, and keep it stocked with the rich food the Thomases clearly enjoy.  If Thomas were an ex-Justice they might not be such good friends, if you know what I mean.  No more free renovations for Mama Thomas's house. Ginni certainly would stop being his "best friend."  IOUs would be called in.  Do the math.

It was a good idea.  Thank you for your service, John Oliver.  You have the passionate patriotism only found in naturalized citizens.  At least you won't have to do twenty minutes at the Chuckle Hut in Asbury Park.  Unless you really want to.  




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