Don't bother, they're here
The Republiclown Caucus continues to not choose a Speaker, with Steve Scalise withdrawing from competition and someone called Austin Scott throwing his propeller beanie in the ring. Scott is described as "the dean of the Georgia delegation," meaning he can put the rest of the clowns on double secret probation if they cross him. He has the support of Marjorie Taylor Greene, who says she can't vote for Scalise because he has multiple myeloma, a form of cancer. (She prettied it up a little, but she'd vote for Trump if he were already embalmed.) George Santos won't vote for Scalise because he didn't get a call asking for his vote. To which Dan Crenshaw retorted, "What do you want, a fucking massage?" Because I know shiatsu if it comes down to a fifteenth ballot, he did not add. Nancy Mace was put off by Scalise's self-description as "David Duke without the baggage." ("I meant David Dukes, the actor!" he should have said. Too late now.)
The judge in the Hunter Biden case has dismissed the gun-possession charge, which will doubtless prompt more unhinged Truth Socialisms as soon as Trump works through his regular menu of grievances. And who appointed Judge Mariellen Noreika? Trump did. Very nasty woman. He got smacked today by the Wall Street Journal for "making everything about himself" by attacking Netanyahu and praising Hamas, so strap in. Are they also owned by "the Communist Chinese Party"?
Vivek Ramaswamy went on the Almost Bill O'Reilly show and Sean Hannity did his best to defend Trump. But Ramaswamy made him so mad, he blurted, "I think people that never held public office, like you, maybe they're not qualified to be president." Except Trump! he forgot to add. Angry and drunk is no way to go through life, Sean. Bill-O knows that now.
Is Alabama the new Florida? Two stories today suggest it could be. In March 2021 Ashley Caswell of Etowah County was arrested and charged with endangering her fetus through methamphetamine use. For the next seven months she slept on a thin mat on the concrete floor of her cell and was denied care for a known high-risk pregnancy. Finally she gave birth standing in the shower, with only Tylenol for the pain, and nearly bled to death. Somehow she and the baby survived. To reiterate: the charge was "chemical endangerment," not "armed robbery." It seems like Kay "Poison" Ivey wants Alabama to lead the nation in botched births as well as botched executions. Suggestion for the license plate: "WE'LL GET YOU COMING AND GOING."
The other story is more of a "usual gang of idiots" entry: The Huntsville-Madison County Public Library system, which lets machines do the censoring, flagged as "potentially inappropriate" the children's book Read Me a Story, Stella solely because the author's name is Mary-Louise Gay. It wasn't even questioned by some Moms for Liberty fanatic. (I can't find the details now but I remember a museum exhibit about the Hiroshima atomic bombing which got in trouble because of the name of Col. Paul Tibbets's plane: Enola Gay. Grow up, America.) Y'all know there's a place called Gay Head? Luckily it's in Massachusetts.
After only seventy years the CIA has acknowledged that the coup which overthrew the government of Mohammed Mosaddegh in Iran was undemocratic. Guatemala and Chile said, "Hey, what about us?"
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