Eat it and like it
Sorry I'm late, but Google, which is evil incarnate, decided to change my password again. May they never know an hour without pain.
There has never been a purer illustration of the phrase "shit-eating grin." Or is it "shit, eating?" (grin) Roadkill Bob made the mistake of describing the Leader's diet as "poison" and so he was summoned to this ritual humiliation. The mouse turd on the right was excused, as he only came aboard to say grace. Everybody else was required to chow down on corporate roadkill, mmm, pass the ketchup. Welcome to the cult, Bob. Ask Chris Christie and Mitt Romney what it's like to be force-fed by the Leader. On second thought, you're probably not allowed to speak to them.
If you have to eat poison, better to do it on a plane than at Motel a Lago. Photos reveal a serious black mold problem in the ornate crap shack where Chinese spies pay a million dollars to join, food and greens fees extra. It's possible that the short-fingered Leader waited four years to have the government pick up the tab, or that the mold conceals Russian microphones. Possibly Roadkill Bob has convinced him that mold stiffens the immune system. The CDC says one symptom of exposure is confusion. Are the others racism and xenophobia?
Ann Selzer was so far off in her poll of Iowa voters that she has retired from the polling business to keep bees on the Sussex Downs, but that won't mollify the Leader. Her prediction caused "great distrust and uncertainty," not to mention personal butthurt to him, and he wants her and her "discredited 'newspaper'" investigated for ELECTION FRAUD. There's no such thing as an honest mistake and he should know.
Not that he has ever made one. So says dumb-even-by-Texas-standards Troy Nehls. "If Donald Trump says tariffs work, then tariffs work," he slurred. "Period. Because Donald Trump is really never wrong. Think about it. He's never wrong." The historian Ruth Ben-Ghiat suggested that he was alluding to an earlier fascist:
I wish. Nehls isn't that smart or ironic. And Nehls ha sempre raggione. Of course tariffs work, just not the way he and the Leader think. They cripple trade and cause inflation and in the end, consumers suffer. American consumers. Texas consumers.
The Leader is also proceeding with his frivolous lawsuits (if seeking billions can be branded frivolous) against CBS News and Sixty Minutes and demanding that CBS lose its "broadcast license." The network of course has no such license; no network has. Maybe his new FCC puppet can issue one to them and then revoke it, to make merit with the Leader. Also NBC, which must be punished for presenting an SNL skit which displeased Him. And don't think He has forgotten how VERY VERY UNFAIR the Harris debate was, ABC.
You too, MSNBC, posing as liberals. Steve Bannon and Michael Flynn have decided you need to face "criminal investigation" because disapproving of the Leader is a crime retroactive to whenever you did it. Must be why the stars of "Morning Joe" have already made the hajj to Motel a Lago, emerging in sackcloth and ashes -- or maybe it's mold. I wonder if they were present when Elon Musk and Boris Epshteyn began screaming at each other in the dining room. You don't get entertainment like this at IHOP, although the food is better.
I'm sorry to keep using this picture of Pompeo, but it's relevant to the Leader's threat to court martial generals who were involved in the withdrawal from Afghanistan. The Taliban leader's weekend at Camp David and subsequent release of thousands of Taliban fighters led directly to the collapse of Afghanistan's government and left President Biden no option but withdrawal. Again, that's Pompeo, not Blinken. The year was 2020. Down the memory hole. Putin's puppet is even talking treason, which is too rich for my digestion. "Trump ran for office saying get out of Afghanistan," said General Barry McCaffrey. "He reduced the troop presence to 2,500. He negotiated directly with the Taliban." It was the Leader's way of protecting the women of Afghanistan, who are now forbidden to speak in public. The women of America are next.
Even well-heeled Americans are having trouble finding refuge in other lands, which have problems of their own. How about the sea? Villa Vie Residences, a cruise line, is offering surprisingly affordable two- and four-year packages for those who want to sail the world until this blows over. For less than $40,000 a year you can visit 140 countries on tours called Escape from Reality, Mid-term Selection and Anywhere but Home. The ship is called the Odyssey, a reminder that Homer's hero didn't get home for ten years.
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