Digging a hole
We are nowhere near bottom yet, no matter how it feels. The Defense Department is carrying out an Orwellian purge of its past. Any and all references to women, Black and Hispanic people in the services must be memory-holed by next Wednesday. For comic effect, the order requires the removal of the word "gay," including images of the B-29 bomber which dropped the first atomic bomb in 1945. Col. Paul Tibbets's orientation is not in question; his offense was in naming the plane after his mother: The original Declaration of Independence is displayed in the rotunda of the National Archives where just anyone can look at it, in a high-tech case filled with argon. The Leader is afraid for its safety and wants it moved into the Oval Office where he can show it off to visiting Russians and Musk brats can wipe boogers on it. Coincidentally, during a recent brainstorming session on Fox & Friends Weekend, Charlie Hurt hinted...